barry gibb&tony hadley(spandau ballet)
Moderatore: Enzo
- Messaggi: 20
- Iscritto il: 06 ott 2009, 17:37
- Contatta:
barry gibb&tony hadley(spandau ballet)
ciao a tutti,bella notizia questa,tony hadley sta registrando un album solista,e udite udite,il buon barry con tony stanno scrivend alcune canzoni insieme che finiranno sull'album,uscita precista il prox anno!
- Messaggi: 632
- Iscritto il: 16 gen 2003, 15:48
- Località: Faenza (Ravenna)
Certo, speriamo.... Tutto il mondo freme per questa collaborazione di Robindal GSI:
Barry Gibb working with Tony Hadley of Spandau Ballet?
Although not officially confirmed by Barry it seems that he and Spandau Ballet lead singer Tony Hadley might work together in Barry's studio for some material on Tony's new album. Tony: My new album is coming out next year. It will be the first album that written by me. It will be 12 tracks that are classic pop rock. A few weeks ago I was in Miami for a private show and I was introduced to Barry Gibb from the Bee Gees. We are going to write together so I have to factor that in as well. How bloody brilliant is that? He's a fantastic guy.
And what about Robin working together with Peter Andre!!!We hope to know more soon

- Messaggi: 68
- Iscritto il: 25 ago 2007, 10:32