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Nella Mailing List "Words & Music", Fans Of The Brothers Gibb ( Bee Gees )" (che vi posso assicurare è la fonte, insieme alle altre mailing list ed ai siti GSI e "Bee Gees world", del 99% delle notizie che in questo forum vengono riportate come provenienti dalle "infinite risorse" ), viene riportata la seguente news, presa a sua volta dal sito del Miami Herald. In pratica, Barry ha cantato dal vivo per beneficenza davanti ad una folla di VIP della Florida, ognuno dei quali ha pagato 1000 dollari .
Ecco il testo:
The theme: Miami Style. The temperatures: the mid-50s, making it painful to be outside in an otherwise beautiful setting at Roy and Lea Blacks historic manse in Coral Gables on Friday night. The sold-out crowd of more than 400 gathered to raise funds for Bay Point Schools, a boarding school that educates boys 13 years and older who have been in trouble with the law. Barry Gibb performed inside the house for the VIP crowd who paid $1,000 a ticket. Among the guests: former Florida Marlin Livan Hernandez (now a starting pitcher for the Montreal Expos); shoe designer Donald Pliner and wife Lisa; Michelle Vrasic; Blacks law partner, Howard Srebnick; Scott Srebnick and wife Jessica Goldman-Srebnick, CEO of Goldman Properties; developer Chad Oppenheim and wife Ilona; ACT Productions president Bruce Orosz and wife Kathryn; Dr. Peter Schlossberg and wife Ruth Robles; Potamkin Companies president Alan Potamkin and wife Claudia; interior designer Briggs Solomon; Estefan Enterprises president Frank Amadeo; nightclub owner Eric Milon and wife Stacy, and attorney Mark Tobin and wife Christine Ferrari-Tobin.
Barry dal vivo a Miami (Fonte: per comuni mortali...)
Moderatore: Enzo